Through our logistics and various other related businesses centered on the express courier services business, we will interact with our stakeholders and aim to become a company that contributes to society.
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Message from President
Through sustainable growth, we will offer solutions to social issues through our businesses, come together to spark action, and demonstrate the true value of logistics as a form of social infrastructure.
Initiatives for the SDGs
Sagawa Express is proactively engaged in a range of activities to address social challenges and achieve a sustainable society.
Efforts with business partners (Japanese Only)
In order to grow together with our partners, Sagawa Express is building a network that can respond to environmental changes in the logistics industry, including the 2024 problem.
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Business Continuity Management (BCM) at Sagawa Express
As a designated public institution of the country, Sagawa Express has a responsibility to maintain its logistics infrastructure to bring stability to life and the economy.
Forest of Takao 100 years (Japanese Only)
Sagawa Express is engaged in forest protection activities as an effort to coexist with society. In 2007, we launched the Forest of Takao 100 years Project on approximately 50 hectares of land in the Takao forest in Tokyo.
Sustainability Activities (ESG)
We are working on various initiatives for the environment, such as reducing our GHG emissions, promoting the 3Rs, protecting biodiversity, and offering environmental education to the next generation.
We are addressing the challenges facing the whole of society and working with our stakeholders to achieve a sustainable society.
We are reinforcing our various systems in order to meet the expectations of society, live up to its trust, and establish a highly transparent management system.
Editorial Policy
External Evaluation
ESG Data
ESG Study Index
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