Occupational Safety and HealthSocial

All workers hope to be able to work in safe and comfortable workplaces, and so we are pouring all our energy into creating workplaces like this based on the following policy.

Related SDGs

  • 3.Good health and well being
  • 8.Decent work and economic growth


  1. Create a corporate culture with safety over everything
  2. Strictly comply with all laws and regulations, etc.
  3. Continue to improve level of safety and health through implementation of safety and health countermeasures
  4. Implement effective education and guidance for safety and health
  5. Promote the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health


Safety Countermeasures (Intangible)

Safety education for new employees

We implement on-the-job training using actual vehicles and locations where occupational accidents have previously occurred

Through initial safety education, as well as education based on yearly plans, we aim to prevent accidents before they occur

Online safety and health education

By offering smartphone-based safety and health education, in addition to working to improve employees' level of knowledge, we are also enabling supervisors to verify the effectiveness of employees' education

Safety Countermeasures (Tangible)

Safety Activities through Enhanced Visibility

To ensure effective safety activities, we are making potentially dangerous and harmful areas within our worksites more visible to employees

Zebra markings on protruding objects to prevent collisions
Non-slip material on passage floors to prevent falls
Zebra markings on slopes to prevent falls
Removing level differences along passages to prevent falls

Standardization of Road Markings at Our Sales Offices

We have standardized the road markings at each of our sales offices and separated routes for pedestrians and trucks to prevent on-site traffic accidents.

Stop line
On-site speed limit
Road crossing
Safe walking area

Health Countermeasures (We are working with the Health Insurance Association to maintain and promote health)

SG Specific Health Guidance

Aiming to prevent lifestyles diseases, we offer health guidance to employees with metabolic syndrome.

Health guidance courtesy of public health nurses to prevent progression of diseases

We are working to prevent risks related to health disorders by having public health nurses offer health guidance to employees in line with their health conditions.

Promotion of cancer prevention

By subsidizing costs related to cancer screenings and medical checks, we are reducing the burden on employees and in turn promoting cancer prevention.
Scope: Breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer


At Sagawa Express, our Health and Safety Committee assesses the results of our safety and health countermeasures and preventative measures for occupational accidents. The Health and Safety Committee also reports on the results of employee medical checks, as well as the results of interviews and guidance related to long working hours, and promotes the improvement of safe and secure workplace environments.
The details of these deliberations are recorded in Health and Safety Committee meeting minutes and communicated to all company employees.

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