Quality ControlSocial

At Sagawa Express, we believe that quality is fundamental to providing safe and reliable services. As such, we are developing various systems and mechanisms aimed at improving quality so that we can provide services that earn the trust of our customers and employees.

Quality Initiatives

Aiming to provide services that give our customers a high degree of satisfaction, we are engaged in efforts to further improve our level of quality through acquisition of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

Quality Control Based on ISO 9001

As of April 1, 2023, we have acquired ISO 9001-the international standard for quality management systems-at 460 of our business sites, and are implementing quality control based on this standard. We have set ourselves five quality items and work to achieve uniform, companywide numerical targets each month. In the event that any issues with these five quality items occur, the details are shared at our weekly morning meetings, which are held across all our branches and sales offices, and dealt with immediately. Meanwhile, internal audits of our domestic sales offices are held every year, with more than 60 items checked each time. The internal audits are conducted by qualified inhouse auditors. We currently have around 3,000 qualified internal auditors on our workforce.

Acquisition of ISO 9001

As of April 1, 2023, we have acquired ISO 9001-the international standard for quality management systems-at 460 of our business sites. We are continuously working to improve the processes related to our transportation services.

Standard ISO 9001:2015 (JIS Q 9001:2015)
First certification date 1998/08/31
Validity 2025/08/30
Registration number NQA-0162A
Scope of certification The provision of transportation services (truck, rail, sea, air) for the collection and delivery of packages, as well as the design and development of these services
Certified business sites See list of certified business sites (Japanese Only)

Examples of Quality Check Functions (Sagawa Express)

Frequency Name Purpose Participants and Personnel in Charge
Head office Branches Sales offices Internal auditors
Weekly Quality reports at companywide morning meeting Report the state of achievement of quality items. Immediately respond if there are any problems. Directors
General managers of departments
Branch managers Sales Office Managers
Monthly Nationwide branch manager meeting Report the state of achievement of quality items. Immediately respond if there are any problems. Directors
General managers of departments
Branch managers Sales Office Managers
Annually Internal audit Check quality of over 60 items in all sales offices nationwide.
Internal auditors are qualified personnel within the company (approximately 3,000 qualified employees)

Acquisition of ISO 27001

At Sagawa Express, we have acquired ISO 27001-the international standard for information security management systems-at the Sales Section and Customer Service Section of our Sales Department.

ISO 27001 certificate
The ISMS recognition symbol (left) and NKKKQA mark (right)
Standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014)
First certification date 2009/03/31
Validity 2025/10/31
Registration number NQI-0008A
Scope of certification The planning of sales strategies, including new product development, in the operation of our transportation business
Certified business sites Information Security Policy (Japanese Only)

Transportation Information for Customers

At Sagawa Express, we have formulated a set of guidelines to ensure the safe and secure transport of the packages we handle, and are communicating these guidelines to our customers.

Transportation Packaging Guidelines

At Sagawa Express, to protect our customers' valuable packages from any damage during transport, we ask that customers follow packing guidelines depending on the nature of their package.

Packing Method by Type of Package

Transportation of Hazardous Materials

At Sagawa Express, we provide information on the safe handling and transportation of hazardous materials on our website.

Initiatives to Increase Customer Satisfaction

At Sagawa Express, recognizing that telephone touchpoints are the face of the company, we have positioned our response to telephone inquiries as the second most important element behind sales.
We therefore ensure kind-hearted telephone-based service and are working to enhance the quality of our response to build strong relationships of trust with our customers.

Corporate Telephone Response Contest

At Sagawa Express, we regularly participate in the Corporate Telephone Response Contest hosted by the Japan Telegraph and Telephone User Association. Dedicated staff play the role of the customer, and participants are assessed on their ability to respond to unanticipated phone calls.
In FY2019, our Komaki Support Center was awarded the Excellence Prize.

Response to Requests for Improvement

At Sagawa Express we have set up customer service sections at each of our sales offices to build a system through which we can quickly respond to customer requests. Further, we also conduct improvement activities based on the opinions and requests we receive from customers via our website and through telephone inquiries. In this way, we aim to improve the quality of our service and in turn boost customer satisfaction.

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